Sunday, March 1, 2015

Chemo sucks

Sorry it's been so long since I posted.  I was going to write two weeks ago and then last week, but I just didn't.  So let me just say straight out:  CHEMO SUCKS.  It's hard to even explain how I feel on a day to day basis, but I'll try my best.  Basically it ranges between an exhausted version "normal" to feeling like someone is poisoning me and I'm dying.  Also, my immune system is crap, so I have a cold constantly.

So instead of giving a blow-by-blow of my last three weeks, which quite frankly would be depressing and boring, I'll just list some highlights:

-  I got a cold, got over it, and got a worse cold.  Calla had the same (first) cold, got over it, and then had some virus that caused her to run a high fever, and now she seems to have another cold.  Ugh.
-  I got a flat tire and needed four new tires and two weeks later, Aris got two flat tires and needed four new tires.  The universe is clearly against us.
- Friday two weeks ago was the last day for one of my staff members, which was bittersweet.  I'm happy for her new opportunity, but we miss her and I'm worried for the rest of my staff to have to take on more responsibilities.  
- I am lucky to have a really great staff who can handle things when I'm not in.  They all have willingly (some of them even eagerly) taken on so much more this semester, and I am so grateful for them!
- I had my second chemo treatment on Wednesday the 18th.  My port actually worked, and there were no unexpected surprises.  Yay for small miracles!  
- So far my plan to work on Mondays after my treatments does not seem to be working.  Both Mondays I've tried to go in, but I've felt so awful that I just couldn't.  This past Monday, I started throwing up and feeling dizzy in the shower, and I actually thought I was going to pass out.  Luckily Aris helped me out of the shower.  I was able to work both days from home, but my whole reason for getting chemo on Wednesdays was so I would be able to go into work on Monday for our staff meetings.  Oh well.
- After my first chemo treatment, I was feeling mostly back to normal by Tuesday afternoon/evening.  This chemo was harder to recover from, and it took me until Thursday to really feel better.  I'm really worried that this will keep getting worse treatment by treatment.
- I am very lucky to have family come to help me/us after every treatment.  My mom came last weekend, and my sister is coming next weekend.  
- As another sign that the universe is against us, Aris' hours are getting cut at work.  The thing that really sucks about this is that in November, he was told that would be going full-time, but now it doesn't look like that's going to happen.  He was hired as a temp almost a year ago, and I guess he's going to stay a temp for the foreseeable future.  This also means that he doesn't have benefits because we thought he was going full-time.
- Calla has stopped taking naps at home and at preschool, which makes evenings such a joy.
- It's been ridiculously cold and snowy, and I'm SO over winter!

Okay, I'm done whining about life now, I guess.  I'll finish up with a few words on hair.  My hair has officially fallen out...for the most part.  I chopped my hair super short on Valentine's Day, and then Aris buzzed it on Sunday.  That Wednesday (the 18th) the stubble I had left started falling out with a vengeance.  It was actually obnoxious as hell when it was falling out - there were little 1/4 inch pieces of hair EVERYWHERE, and I felt like it kept getting in my mouth.  Yuck.  Now I just have a little fuzz left, but honestly I just wish it would all fall out because it looks pretty bad.  I've officially become a hat person, but my head doesn't seem to be the right shape for hats to stay on, so I'm constantly tugging at my hat to keep it in place.  I think maybe I should use double-sided tape or something.  Also, it's really cold without hair!  

1 comment:

  1. Dawn - You have been on my mind. Everything I seem to type here sounds cliche or corny, but I just wanted to you to know that I've been thinking about you.
